The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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CLG:  Market CLOSED: see you in 2024!

Hello everyone

The market will be closed for the rest of the year. It will open for orders on Sunday December 31st at 6pm. The first market of the year will take place on Friday, January 5th, 2024!!!!

Thank you for all for all your support making this a great year for the market :)

Happy Holidays!
See you in 2024

CLG:  CLG Pickup TODAY 3-6pm


This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. If you ordered milk WITHOUT deposit, don’t forget to bring your bottles :)

You can pick up your order starting at 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway. You are welcome to come in and sit down in the lobby if you are early, but we may not be able to check you out until 3pm.

Please NOTE: the church parking lot may be full between 315p and 345p when the Junior High lets out and kids are getting picked up.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick it up for you.

Remember to bring your reusable market bags. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon!

How to contact us:

You CAN reply to this email or…

Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460

Email: Sandra –

Champaign, OH:  It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

And, the weeks are flying by, before the market closes up for it’s holiday break!!

We will be operating the market until the Thursday pick up on December 21st, and then we shut down for two weeks!

That means, you need to get busy with your market orders so you can be stocked up on the local goods, gifts, and local love!

The market is now open, once again, for your ordering pleasure…

FYI, I am off the market, until after the new year. I’m catering, and hosting my own annual Christmas party, and then my Florida family will be in town with my little grandson, for 10 days!! So, I will off enjoying everything!!

Cosmic Pam

Grumpy Goat:  Weblog Entry

Ordering is open for the week! I do have the last four 1/2 pound bags of bourbon spiced nuts still available if anyone missed out. I also just roasted up some lightly smoked and salted almonds. I will be bringing them to Carraige Hill Metropark on Saturday 11-4. – so come see us there or let me know if you want any! They have a whole ‘ Christmas on the Farm’ event going on with many family activities and historical demonstrations.

This is our last planned in person market of the season. As the days get closer to the holidays, If there is anything you want, but we don’t have listed here, please feel free to reach out. We truly appreciate your business. You are the reason we can farm full time! Thank you!!!

Grumpy Goat:  Weblog Entry

Ordering is open for the week! I do have the last four 1/2 pound bags of bourbon spiced nuts still available if anyone missed out. I also just roasted up some lightly smoked and salted almonds. I will be bringing them to Carraige Hill Metropark on Saturday 11-4. – so come see us there or let me know if you want any! They have a whole ‘ Christmas on the Farm’ event going on with many family activities and historical demonstrations.

This is our last planned in person market of the season. As the days get closer to the holidays, If there is anything you want, but we don’t have listed here, please feel free to reach out. We truly appreciate your business. You are the reason we can farm full time! Thank you!!!

Foothills Market:  Market Reminder

I’ll take this opportunity early on a busy day to remind you Foothills Market will be accepting orders until 5:00 this afternoon. Happy shopping!

Brassell’s Sprouts Market:  The Market is Open!

Hey guys! I opened the market early this week!! There are several new items you NEED to check out!! Follow our Brassell’s Sprouts Facebook page for more info on all the new things! Thank you all so much for your support!!

Champaign, OH:  Tick Tock!

The minutes are counting down…do you have your weekly orders in?

Cosmic Pam

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  The Market is Open!

It’s been a busy day, but we’re finally open!

Champaign, OH:  Happy Monday!!

Here we are, Monday evening, already, and here I am, hurrying to place my weekly order for the market!

Let this serve as your reminder that your market orders are due by 8am, tomorrow!!

These crazy weeks are flying by, and I don’t want you to miss out on all the market has to offer!! Especially during the holiday season!!

Cosmic Pam