The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Martin's Farmstand: U-pick July 1st
We will open for u-pick berries tomorrow Saturday July 1 2023 starting at 7 am. We are coming toward the late part of strawberry season. The berries are ripening fast now but they are mostly small so containers fill slowly this year. Some of the earliest areas are near finished. There are still some green berries yet on the later kinds. I expect the patch will go to gleaning status at some point next week- probably after next Wednesday.
The early red raspberries are ready to pick. They are available on a first come basis during normal strawberry u-pick times. After strawberry season the raspberries will be available for u-pick on a first come basis on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday starting @ 10 am.
We have both snap (edible pod) and shell peas now along with the first new potatoes. Zucchini and cucumbers are abundant. Today we planted about an acre of late potatoes (by hand) along with late beans, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and more. Yes, the strawberry patches are open even if it is raining. Daniel
Shenandoah County, VA: Summer at the farm...
Produce is available on the website, take a look and order online or if it’s easier for you message us on facebook for pickup.
We are still struggling with drought but a few bouts of rain have helped and the produce is tasting fantastic. In the coming weeks keep your eyes open for cucumbers, beans, and hopefully tomatoes which have been slow with the cooler night time temperatures.
Thanks for supporting local, sustainable, beyond organic agriculture and small businesses like us!
Russellville Community Market: 6/30/23 opening

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.
Don’t forget to check out the extras! Remember, this week order pickup will be 4-7 PM on MONDAY at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot.
Happy Fourth of July weekend! We hope you have lots of fun things planned with friends and family! RCM is open this week, but we will be doing order pick up from 4-7 PM on MONDAY so that our vendors and customers can be out celebrating! Let us help you plan a fantastic party or backyard barbeque with fresh local ingredients and foods! Enjoy seasonal veggies from Meadowlark Valley, Connor’s Garden and Sweets or Holland Family Honey Farm. Plan an epic backyard barbeque with choice cuts of beef from C3 Beef, Hoien, Bluff Top, R&D or Michael’s Garden. Get baked goods from Kaitlyn’s Sweets and Treats so you have more time for fun and season your fresh foods with spice blends from McAnulty Mercantile! There’s always something unique and tasty at RCM! Thank you to all the customers who shopped the open house last week, the vendors who came to share their goods and the Central Presbyterian Church for welcoming us and helping us have a great event! We had a blast and can’t wait for our next open house before Christmas!
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
REMINDER- We can no longer accept credit or debit cards. We will still be able to process cash, checks and SNAP/EBT transactions.
Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available. Multiple orders are encouraged. :)
Russellville Community Market

Good afternoon!
Happy 4th of July.
Last day to put in your orders for the week.
CLG: Opening Bell: support BMB!
Good afternoon!
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping: *
Due to the storm last week, our friends at BMB lost power and had to close their shop for almost a whole week and missed last week’s CLG. Let’s show them our love and support by placing a big order for them—it’s a win win because you get to support a local business and eat some delicious bread!!
Most items are listed by 6 pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh!
How to contact us:
You CAN reply to this email or…
Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460
Email: Sandra –
Champaign, OH: Early Pick Up!
Just a quick note that I am offering early pick up, today!!
All products are delivered, and I say come on to pick up!
See you, soon!
Cosmic Pam
Champaign, OH: Thursday Pick Up!
Good morning!!
Just a note to those that ordered from this week’s market!!
I will once again watch for you to pull up for your orders, from inside the shop!!
Not only avoiding the sun, but also this smoky air quality!!
So, I will be watching, and bringing your orders to you! Just be patient!!
All the love,
Cosmic Pam
Frontier Farms: Good thursday morning!!
Yep.. got busy again yesterday.
Yep.. got busy again yesterday.
Foothills Market: Market Reminder
Foothills Market still has plenty of your favorite summer vegetables on the market this week. Beans, squash, cucumbers, onions, plus locally-grown ground beef for the grill on July 4th – you can load up!
Place your order between now and 5:00 p.m., and we’ll have it ready for pickup tomorrow afternoon.